Sunday, August 15

Princess Dianna Only has a few more days in Chi-City! She's doing her BEST to see everyone before then! Nite Nite <3

Saturday, August 14

Todays Fashion Freak

Today's Fashion Freaks are the Lovely Ladies of RC Ent.
These Girls were Definitely Hurtin Em BAD. From Leggings and Heels to Crazy Kicks! Looking GREAT Girls! Make sure you guys check them out on their Facebook page!/pages/RC-Ent/113609605322386?ref=ts

Do you want to be tomorrows Fashion Freak? Shoot me an email to Please include the picture you would like posted along with a description of what your wearing, the store you bought the item at along with the price if possible!

Love is...What makes you a puppet on a string!

Wednesday, August 11

Morgan Kicked off the BAD GIRLS CLUB!!

​When we last left the Bad Girls Club, somebody had put Miss Morgan's crap on the porch, and she was freaking out that the other bitches "disrespected her and her shit." And just like we expected (YES!), in last night's Episode 2, Oxygen brings us back right when stripper Brandi attacks Morgan with her furious fists. She then compares the beating to a modern day hate crime, because they're jealous of her. (Total crazy talk. This is exactly why we love this show.) What's even better is that her "pretty girl crew" gets RIGHT behind her during the fight, ripping open doors and pushing perfectly good IKEA lamps to the ground.
Just as we expected: Morgan gets kicked out, mainly, because she went completely bat-shit crazy and started tearing up the production room. Why take your anger out on the poor people that have to tape the mess of a show, girl? Like a true low budget bitch, she was eventually carted off in a minivan. GOD, what a sad departing.

With Morgan now gone, tension rises between the one Miamian left, Lea, and the show's one dumb blonde, Kristen. With Lea's birthday coming up, Kristen gets upset that no one celebrated her birthday, which was before they all got to the house.
When Lea informs her -- and we're paraphrasing here -- "Listen bitch, it's my day. Step off!," blondie goes nuts and calls Lea a whore. This is where our Magic City girl shows her true colors. Her accent comes out; her nice little "I'm just truthful" goes to hell; and she is pushing bitches left and right just to get to goldilocks' face. Lea releases her inner Chonga. She then utters the best line from the episode: "Kristen needs to learn, if you call someone a whore, you get punched in the face." All we have to say is: That a girl!
Lea turns into one of the girls on My Super Sweet 16 who didn't get her way and gets all pissed at anyone was trying to rain on her parade. She starts throwing shit in the pool and honestly, she is such a Hialeah hoochie, it's ridiculous. She has officially replaced Morgan as our fav, maybe because she's from Miami or maybe because the bitch is real and we love her for it. But then she brings the femme trainwrecks to hipster hub Vagabond downtown. What exactly was the plan there? We didn't even think clear heels were allowed in, let alone given their own bottle.

Yes, this episode started with drama, but slowly and surely, the bad girls became the best of gal pals. Yet then we learn that stripper 101 can get in the way of friendships. When the gang heads out to the super classy Club Dream (AKA the home of Porn To Be A Star Tuesdays), Brandi the Stripper and Erica, whose straight from the trailer park, get on the pole and make $300. (And here, we have to give them credit. When's the last time you went to the club and made any money?) But when Erica suggests they use the cash to buy groceries for the house, Brandi breaks it down that that's just not how strippers roll.

Sure, Morgan is the episode's one causality, but the real victims were the poor mannequins. All they were trying to do is live in this god forsaken house, but unfortunately, they keep getting thrown in the pool and having amazing things like "slut bag" written on them. Is there some sort of hotline they can call when the domestic violence gets to be too much? Some safe word? God, people. We are just in Episode 2, and it's already a fucking fantastic trashy drama. LOVE IT.

By Stacey Russell

Love is....When He books a Romantic Break with You!

Sunday, August 8

Todays Fashion Freak

Danielle is today's Fashion Freak

Shes Rocking a Grey pleated and studded BeBe Dress and those Heels?...From Bakers! Not to mention her stylist did a Great job at accessorizing....Very Tasteful Outfit Danielle!

Do you want to be tomorrows Fashion Freak? Shoot me an email to Please include the picture you would like posted along with a description of what your wearing, the store you bought the item at along with the price if possible!

Love is...

Hey Guys,
There will be no "Love is" Comics on Sundays, instead I will post a love quote, tip or story Every Sunday. Today's Quote is ..........

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Saturday, August 7

Sister Shoot

Shaquita and Taquita Love
Sister Shoot!

Todays Fashion Freak

Leon Jr is todays Fashion Baby!
With a shirt that says "Sorry Bitches I only Date Models" and a Face like that, Baby Leon sure deserves this title! Check out Shorty kicks!

Do you want to be tomorrows Fashion Freak? Shoot me an email to Please include the picture you would like posted along with a description of what your wearing, the store you bought the item at along with the price if possible!

Love is....Same Time, Same Place

Friday, August 6

Shopaholics Secrets

As a Self Proclaimed Shopaholic, I have taken the time out to give you guys a few ways to make the best out of your shopping experience

Rule #1: Before you actually go shopping, take the time to browse sites like for items that you plan on buying. This helps to avoid "Impulse Spending" know, when you buy because you see! Premeditating your purchases the night before a shopping spree intensifies the feeling of obtaining that item which you drooled over!

Rule #2 GO SHOPPING WITH A FELLOW SHOPAHOLIC OR GO ALONE! There's nothing WORST than trying to shop with someone while they discourage your choices, questioning your purchases and...EHEM...RUSH YOU! However, If your shopping with a fellow Shopaholic, He or she will encourage your efforts to spend more or to cut back!

Rule #3 ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Test the item out before buying it! You should leave the store Excited about your purchase rather than curious about how it will look!

Rule #4 If your shopping and you find an item that you ABSOLUTELY love, but you don't see it in your size...don't give up! Search for a Small shirt in the XL section! Sound Crazy? Let me enlighten you! When a shopaholic shops and finds something that we must have...BUT we don't have the money, We HIDE it in a place that we think no one else will look! This buys us more time to come up with the funds and return to purchase the item!

Masslow's Hollywood Bars!!

See More of MassLow! Click on the MassLowMusic Tab under the "Pages" Section

Todays Fashion Freak

Morgan Carter is Today's Fashion Freak!

She took it WAYYYY back with the Jogging suit Jacket, the biker glove AND the Fanny Pack! Not the mention the Cut off Fashion Geek Tee! You guys do see those Yellow Ray Bans..... Right? Looking GREAT Morgan! Leave a comment and let us know what you think about Morgan's Fashion Freak Fit!

Do you want to be tomorrows Fashion Freak? Shoot me an email to Please include the picture you would like posted along with a description of what your wearing, the store you bought the item at along with the price if possible!

Love Is:...Unconditional!

Thursday, August 5

Love Legacy Member Taquita Love Performing in "Breaking The Seal"

- Con 3 show #1 Family Dinner scene

MassLow in The Booth at Red Carpet Studios in Chicago

Love Legacy Member Shaquita Love, Ripping the Runway at Enkare Fashion Show

Love Is: ....Being A Full time Mom

Fashion Freaks

                                                Sanaa and Summer are todays Fashion Divas!
They're spreading the Love with their Adorable "Love" Shirts along with the matching bracelets! If the Blue Jean, Multi-Pocket, Cropped Capri's dont fuel the fire, they top it off with a pair of sassy, strappy Summer Sandals! Beautiful Girls!

The Trya Show! Project Working Mom and Dad

Hey guys, Tyra is giving away FULL Scholorships to working Moms and DADS! Go to this link to Apply!


Damn! I don’t like this feeling

So imma step back and re-examine my intentions

Before he reappeared there was NOTHING I was missin

And now he’s disappeared…I think there’s something im forgettin

Got my Keys, Phone and money…. im startin to think that’s it’s within him!

Im startin to think I should acknowledge that little voice that I resisted

Rewind, recollect….Those red Flags…I should revisit!

Man! I know I made a list!!

Entitled “These are the facts and I shall not get them twisted”

But these were the hours and the Kisses that I was missin!

How can I resist him. I Love what he’s equip with….

And Yea I know “Kisses never have been and never will be promises”

Be he

Puts a smile on my face…you would think was filled with collagen

His arms I could get swallowed in

Mind-blowing Morals, Feels like I’m kissing a King


Footsteps id gladly follow in….

step back and watch him lead

While cruisin to the end…you never know when it could be

But I know we're getting close..I pass a billboard and it reads

“Kisses never have been and never will be promises”


Asking God to speak to me
I said "im a big girl God let me have it"
And he said "whatever you do just don't panic"
Im about to remove some things
That are causing you to appear as average"

He said "you are an original masterpiece, but your Silently gleaming
And I know I didn’t design your heart to be given away freely
So I’ll remold and reshape and rehumble you peacefully

How you gone remove him peacefully
His hands are my batteries
Without him I have no energy
I tried it before and in the morning there was no sun
He said "give me three days", Sunday was day 1

and Tuesday made day 3...

And today, I know the procedure is done
I expected to be sore
But my heart is numb
I woke up w/o mind was sane
For the first time I had an agenda
And nowhere on it was your name

What do I do now that my heart has turned to ash
He said "don't fight with the spirit of revenge
For it will keep you bound to your past"
So I'll look past the wounds and remember the laughs


If there's one thing u should have learned
Its that bridges are better built than burned
Today is my day but tomorrow its your turn

And I've learned

How it feels to be abandoned when I was once appreciated
How it feels to go from loved to hated, from married to dated
To have words flying at you, determined to pierce your soul
"People will disrespect you over something you can't control"

It has been confirmed

That not everyone has your best interest in mind
And not everyone in your life…is there for a life time

MassLow Blackin Out Video

Wednesday, August 4


Yes or No?

The First topic I wanted to talk about was a new trend that I've noticed and have mixed emotions about...and that is....Lip Piercings! Ive seen them on a variety of people...some look fabulous and some look horrendous! What do you guys think?
Would you ever get one? If you have one..Where did you get it done at? GUYS:Would you date a girl with one......GIRLS:.Would you date a Guy with a Lip Ring??


Hey Guys! Feel Free to browse the site...its still slightly under construction so ideas are always welcome! Since this site is the sister site to make sure you check that out as well! You can find out information about all of the Love Legacy Productions Members!